The most effective way to ensure long service life and increased operability for oil and gas pipelines is blasting them with professional blasting materials. Blasting oil and gas pipelines is particularly important as it ensures for them an optimum functionality, for longer periods of time which improves efficiency.
Blasting inner walls of pipes allows a smooth flow of liquids and gas through pipes, thus increasing their efficiency and operability. Studies in the area show that inner walls of oil and gas pipes affected by rust and corrosion have less flow capacity rather than the walls maintained by blasting operations. Even a slight increase in the pipes' operability means growth in financial figures and company's profitability.
Blasting is particularly effective in removing impurities and dirt formed on pipes as a result of corrosion caused by climatic factors (oxygen in the air, rain) and corrosion caused by chemical factors (chemicals, smoke). Thus, it effectively removes rust and dirt accumulated on pipes in time and other impurities that negatively affect the durability life of oil and gas pipelines.
Being an ecological material, the abrasive material does not rise any environmental issue for open space blasting. We use a non-toxic material both for the environment and the human health, recording values that scored below the toxicity levels imposed by the United States Agency for Environment Protection. Under normal handling and use conditions, the product has no negative impact on human health and the environment
Serving Pittsburgh, Ohio, Western PA, West Virginia, and Maryland
Serving Pittsburgh, Ohio, Western PA, West Virginia, and Maryland